This is the first paycheck I have received since my sister passed away
this paycheck if for a MONTH'S work
To find out more about that or me click HERE
Where did this paycheck come from you ask?
it came from YOU!
Your support of my page!!
I "work" for several affiliate company's
I have tons of things I can "promote" but i try
really hard to only promote things I know you guys will want.
Like printable coupons, survey's, free magazines, sale sites,
your free credit score, online personal organizers.
stuff like that. I get paid a small fee every time you sign up.
I will leave a link below to my fav "boss' for any new bloggers wanting to give it a try.
I work very hard to make sure you are offered the best
and in no way feel taken advantage of!!
I have even decided to start printing EVERY coupon I post before hand
so you know the exact details of the coupon and when it expires.
I really do try to serve you first and myself second.
I only recently realized I could make any money this way!
I do have a disclosure HERE
I still use a portion of this on my giveaways.
One day I would like the blog to be totally non-profit.
but for now this is what this means to me.
It means freedom and security.
I have been homeless now for about 6 months
Since me and my b/f broke up, he is letting me stay with him
on the couch until I could figure out a way to move.
This money that I am making will be saved and in
January I will move back to VA to stay with a friend until i find a job.
if I continue to make at least this much money a month
I will have enough for deposits and such for a place.
Hopefully it will not be to hard for me to find a job in VA.
I plan to find a night shift job if I can, and still blog during the day.
B/c for a while I will need both incomes
as I have to get a 2 bedroom place
for me and my nephew who is starting college next fall.
YOU have made this possible!
YOU are making a difference in MY life!
I can never express enough thanks besides
promising you to only promote good things
you have to promise to give me feed back so
i will now if it is good or not.
I DO sign up for everything i promote
THAT I CAN! not all of it is available to me!
like (Nielsen) LOL
I am sure this post will upset some other bloggers maybe even my fans.
It is worth it to me to let you know the
positive impact you are having on my life.
I know my page is filled with mostly good people.
Some of you may wonder what can you do to help another
when you have nothing your self.
I wanted you to know you are making a difference, in my life.
Thank you all so much for your continued support!
Below is a banner for my FAVORITE affliate company.
But they are not my boss, in my heart you are.
b/c w/o you I would still be sitting here wondering
how the hell am I going to dig myself out of this hole.
You give me hope.
you give me strength
You have given me a second chance.
I promise to always do right by you!
if not I am accountable to you!
never forget that!
aka Tigs
P.S. I KNOW some will think this but i am NOT posting this
to get your sympathy! their are plenty of bloggers out there
better than me that rely on this income!
But i felt in my heart I had to thank you and let you know
The impact you have!

What a heart breaking and beautiful post! I am so happy to see that you are moving in a fantastic direction. Having seen your blog/FB page, I had no idea the situation you were in (and I can completely understand why. It is never easy to admit you have been struggling, especially in such a public way). I hope that there can be ways that I can make a difference to make sure that you are able to continue moving onward & upward in your life! If there's more that I to help more directly, I would love to know! Finances at my house have been tight, to say the least (I am working for 3 companies, but I haven't had any work from one of them since mid-August), but if there are direct things I can do to make sure you can continue getting checks like this one, I'd love to know! I will be praying for you that your life will continue on the path that it is headed! God bless you!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I could not find work here at ALL so i created my own job! lol! You guys do so much and it surely is enough! The only thing extra that could be done i guess is to share my posts with your friends, ones that you think they would be interested in. Hopefully one day I will be back to baking full time as it is my trade and i plan to make this non profit and donate all my checks to a children's charity like St Judes. Thank you for your support and prayers they are appreciated so much!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! I would love to know your secret. I have been blogging for exactly three months today, and I have only made $59 so far. Can't wait until I get a check like yours!
ReplyDeleteBev it is the fans! all the fans! it is a choice for them/you who they "support" Kinda like in the real world every time we buy something we vote for that product. I have almost 6k fans of that i would say only a little over 100 is really active. But the ones I do have being active seem to be very loyal even w/o knowing what I just posted. As long as you are always direct and honest then you will continue to build a fan base and make money! What is you FB page? I wish you lots of luck in this! it can be a very cut throat world lol.
ReplyDeleteMichelle...thanks for sharing your story with us. I prefer people to be straight forward and honest, that way I always know where I stand with them. I wish more people were that way.
ReplyDeleteFor those who think anything less than that about this post need to move on!
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers! Continue all your good work and you will be rewarded 10 fold!
Peace always,
Kathi M.
You will always know with me lol! more than once i have had a finger pointed in my face followed by "you should THINK before you speak." well I just say what I am thinking and say it like it is. I admit though I can be TO blunt sometimes but I consider it part of my charm lol! I have ONE face you get what you see <3
ReplyDeleteYou know that I'm one of your fellow bloggers. While I wouldn't ordinarily support another blogger posting the amount of money he or she makes, I applaud the way that you have handled this. You have all of us in our group amazed with your success and I personally am THRILLED for you.
ReplyDeleteYou are overcoming the hardships in your life the best way possible. You're relying on yourself! Good for you. Now give me some of your energy, because goodness knows my little site hasn't made this much money in a year. Of course, I don't work mine nearly as hard as you do either.
Congrats and much continued success!
<3 Dolores
Dolores you guys are not suppose to actually read my blog!! lol Thanks! Your support really means alot w/o you guys I would be SO lost!
ReplyDeleteI think it's great that you don't hide this stuff because it makes us feel like we can be more real/honest with you!! I don't like to feel like a blogger is being shady or that my clicks on their page is only amounting to shear dollar signs in their head!
ReplyDeleteYour blog is awesome and I think it's AMAZING that you are doing something you love and making a bit of money while doing it. Just keep doing what you do and I'm sure you'll find that life will lead you in the right direction <3
Thank you Kelly! That means a lot! I would much rather be up front you know, less drama!