Sunday, January 8, 2012

Money making Desitin deal *Target*

Right now at Target when you buy 3 Desitins you get a $5 gift card!
Here is the deal
Then go HERE and print one more zip 49534
Buy 3 Desitins use the 3 $1 off coupons
Pay $4.44 get a $5 gift card!
This deal is good through 2/4!
EDIT: Some are not seeing the smart source coupon but some are!
Try zip code 49534
I am not sure why this is! I am sorry for any confusion! 
You can print 3 of the first coupon IF you have 2 computers!


  1. The one from smart source is only for the bath treatment.

  2. It was just there yesterday ugh! I printed 2 myself! I am sorry!

  3. Try zip code 49534 Hope that works!
